de nieuwe catalogus 2013-2014 Stampin'Up!

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2013-2014 Annual Catalogue Corrections
Item #
139132281The item number for New Colour Cardstock & Pad Kit is incorrectly listed as 131293. The correct item number is 132281. The prices are also incorrectly listed as 27.95 £ and 36.95 €, and the correct prices are 46.95 £ and 61.95 €.
192 114507 Two items were mistakenly given the same item number. Beautiful Butterflies Bigz and Lattice Bigz dies are both listed as 114507. The correct item numbers are:
Beautiful Butterflies Bigz Die - 114507
Lattice Bigz Die - 115958
208 The Ordering section incorrectly states that a customer has 10 days to cancel their order. Customers have 14 days to cancel their order.

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